6 Starlight Member Advantages (Benefits)
For every Free-to-Play game that has been ever made this era, there are always ways that the company and the developers earn money from it. Many games come up with advertisements but one way to inculcate it to the game itself is a premium membership that allows players access to different benefits and early-access to beta content. Today, we’ll discuss Mobile Legends’ premium membership, Starlight. So what are the benefits of Starlight? According to the game itself, when you apply for a starlight membership, You gain access to a limited skin release on that month. Besides from the free 6 heroes rotation, You get another 6-time limited heroes that can be used on ranked as well. Get an extra 5% BP at the end of every game Weekly rewards will be sent after each extension or purchase is made, after which rewards sent to mailbox players. Members message box will show purple in chat. For those people who lack a certain hero within his/her selected role but failed to ac...